Thursday, August 7, 2014

My Last 2013 Session

One of my favorite things about my "job", (Can I call it a  job when I love it this much?) is getting to work with families I have worked with before and see how their families are growing. I LOOOOOVE it! Well, this family is one of those families. In April, I was able to do this little man's newborns and then they asked me to do some family pictures for his six month milestone. This cutie definitely had opinions about taking pictures, but as long as one of his parents had him, he was all smiles. And because I had to work to get smiles out of him, I feel like we got some really fun action shots that I don't always get to do with every family and action shots tend to end up being my favorites. :)

This top picture was one of the first ones we snapped and I love it. And little man was cautious of me, but still happy.... The bottom picture was towards the end of the session and he was wanting to be done, but look at that face! Happy or sad, this kid is adorable!

Love the action shots! Look at the genuine smiles in this!

We tried and tried throughout the session to get this guy to smile and we got some great ones!
But mostly he didn't want to be put down in these leaves and feel these things he wasn't used to and what is that scary black thing attached to that lady's face that keeps calling my name!? His mom and I agreed immediately that even him crying was too cute to not snap!
 And then we put him on the bridge and he was okay.....

....for about three seconds. Poor kid was just put through the ringer, but he was still so stinkin' cute!

On an additional note, this little man's dad and my hubs worked together and we spent a weekend together at a work retreat a few days after this session and he was super cautious of me. I had to work and work most of the weekend to get him to like me, but I made it happen! I was determined. :)

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